Art Naturals Blackhead Removal Set
Remove Blackheads with ease with this set

Art Naturals Blackhead Removal Set Review
Removing blackheads can be a real pain, quite literally because squeezing them is not the correct way of removing those pesky things from your pores. Squeezing also damages the skin and can leave unsightly marks where your nails mark the skin around the pore.
Blackhead removal kits can save all of this pain and unsightly damage. The kits come with a variety of picks which have varying heads which enable you to squeeze small to large blackheads with ease.
The Art Naturals Kit comes in a small white leather style case which includes the instruction manual and 5 picks. These are all made from Dermatologist-grade metals which will mean removal of spots and blackheads is easy with less skin irritation, marking of the skin or allergic reactions. The kit includes 5 double looped stainless steel tools wich have metal loops of varying sizes and a single spiked tool for lancing whiteheads prior to using the looped tools.
The varying sizes mean that pimples or blackheads from small to big can be removed with ease, simply find a loop which fits around the blemish and then apply pressure. The tool does the rest of the work and removes the pimple or blackhead from your skin.
You could even make your own Youtube videos on removing spots and blackheads which get lots of views!
You can see our full video review of the Art Naturals Kit below.
Overall I was really pleased with the kit, it's in a great little travel case which means each tool is cared for and remains undamaged. The tools are well made with each having their own use which the instruction manual covers very well. At £13 currently the kit is a great investment for anyone that suffers from blackheads that are hard to remove.